We left at 8pm, about an hour after the Rage the Machine crowd stormed the convention entrance.... then stood there trying to remember why they were raging against the machine. In other words, they puss'd out for everyone to see.
One noticeable trend - the conservatives are starting to come out and shaking things up! The convention crowd can't handle it other than throw some worn out profanity.
We had a video camera malfunction. Check back for any video we recover. Enjoy!
A pressing issue facing society today...

We did NOT expect to see Hillary supporters today. Instead, there were more of them and they were louder than ever! This pic is in front of the convention center, for all conventioneers to see and hear. "18 Million Votes" was one of many chants.

This guy knew if he didn't hang out around the pro-lifers, he would be irrelevant and offensive. Instead, he was just offensive.

We snapped this picture then walked on. Don't know what this was about, but like most things liberal, there appears to be a bit of envy...

Stalemate outside the convention center. The face bandannas and tattoos look intimidating en mass. But the testicles pull up inside when the moment of truth comes. Maybe 2012, pussies.

"Stop the Running Toliet". Another pressing issue that only the Democrats have the courage to address. Leaders...

Finally someone who addresses the disproportionate abortion rate among the blacks. Can we count on Obama to fix this?

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